Anxiety is the Price of Admission

Image of a roll of tickets
Photo by Clint Hilbert on Pixabay

The life you want is on the other side of anxiety.

What do I mean by this? Think about the things that you value in life. You probably had to go through at least a bit of anxiety to have that in your life, or having it brings some anxiety with it.

Being with someone you love, raising children, or having a cherished pet – Will they be happy? Will they be healthy? Will I lose them?

Going after that career or education you want – Do I have what it takes? Am I good enough? Is this a stupid idea? Am I fooling myself? Will they want me?

Asking that person out on a date – Will I be rejected? Am I attractive? What will I say? What will I do?

Travel – What if the plane crashes? What if I get sick? I don’t know the language. What if I don’t like the food? What if I get scammed?

Setting boundaries, getting your needs met – Will there be an argument? What will they do to me? What if they get mad? What if they leave me?

Trying something new – What if I look stupid? Will I be any good at it? Will I know what to do? Will I know what to say? What if it’s a disaster?

It’s easy enough to avoid this kind of anxiety. Just don’t do it. Don’t take the chance. Let things stay the way they are. At least that way you know what to expect.

Or you can allow yourself to be uncomfortable. Let those feelings be there. Take them along for the ride, while you take the chance and go after what you want.

Anxiety is the price of admission. The price of a meaningful life. Are you willing to pay?